samantha who always make controversal statements in twitter, she again in contreversy. in past samantha tweeted on 1 movie which is acted by mahesh babu she said poster is aggresive, there is no scope for heroins in film industry after maheshbabu and sukmar also reacted on her comments. coming to the matter recently aagadu teaser released on super star krishna birthday, teaser got different response from audience, Some people said mahesh gave punches to balayya and pawan kalyan. pawan fans gave a satire on this teaser that is a copy of gabbar singh movie meanwhile a person who using samantha name in twitter posted that “aagadu teaser is not orginal its copied” this makes mahesh babu fans angry on samantha after knowing this issue samantha again tweeted that i didnt tweet on aagadu teaser and i dont know who is that person using my name.but again, this tweet made mahesh fans angry.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Samantha Counter on Aagadu movie
samantha who always make controversal statements in twitter, she again in contreversy. in past samantha tweeted on 1 movie which is acted by mahesh babu she said poster is aggresive, there is no scope for heroins in film industry after maheshbabu and sukmar also reacted on her comments. coming to the matter recently aagadu teaser released on super star krishna birthday, teaser got different response from audience, Some people said mahesh gave punches to balayya and pawan kalyan. pawan fans gave a satire on this teaser that is a copy of gabbar singh movie meanwhile a person who using samantha name in twitter posted that “aagadu teaser is not orginal its copied” this makes mahesh babu fans angry on samantha after knowing this issue samantha again tweeted that i didnt tweet on aagadu teaser and i dont know who is that person using my name.but again, this tweet made mahesh fans angry.