Telugu newbie Swathi made her debut in the lead role with the Tamil flick Subramaniapuram. Now the actress might act in her first Kannada film opposite Shivrajkumar. Chandru, the director of the untitled film confirmed that he has approached Swathi for the role. He says, “I have approached Swathi. But the dates are yet to be finalised. Since Swathi is now doing a Tamil film with Vikram, she does not want a clash of dates. But I am confident that this issue can be sorted out. I will be narrating the story to her, if she agrees to act in this film. The heroine’s role suits her perfectly.” Swathi was an anchor for a TV channel and her programme was a hit with Telugu viewers. She entered the film industry with Aadavari Maataluku Arthaale Verule, which had Venkatesh and Trisha in the lead roles, but her role was appreciated. The film’s title has been tentatively fixed as Mylari. It will be produced by Kananapura Sreenivas who had earlier made successful films like Yuvaraja and Santha with Shivarajkumar. Guru Kiran is the music director. But the title Mylari is now with Ashwini Ram Prasad who has already registered it in the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce. The film’s co-producer Srikanth says that he shares a cordial relationship with Ram Prasad and hopes that the title will be transferred to their production house |