Jagapathi Babu, Priyamani starrer ‘Saadhyam’ is scheduled for its release on February 26th. The movie is said to be a love cum action entertainer. According to film-makers, Jagapathi babu’s role is distinct and challenging while Priyamani’s role also is a highlight of the film, Keerthi Chawla is playing an important role in the movie. The movie is being directed by Karthikeya Gopalakrishna and is being produced by Kumar brothers Music is composed by Chinni cheran. Editing is done by Gautham Raju while the story and screenplay is by Shyam Manohar. Other cast includes Kota Srinivasa Rao, Tanikella bharani, U.B.Raju, Satya Prakash Bhargavi, Pragathi and Madhumani. |