Manchu Manoj who is known for experimenting films like ‘Nenu Meeku Telusaa’ and ‘Prayanam’ did not click that well at the box-office. But his recent action entertainer film, ‘Bindaas’ under the direction of a debutant, Veeru Potla has brought him success at the box-office. Manoj seems to have raised his confidence levels with this film as his action in Bindaas got good praises. Manoj has already signed a film with Darshakendrudu K.Raghavendra Rao under his home banner ‘Sri Lakshmi Prasanna Films.’ Now, Manoj has also signed another film with a debutant director, Raja who earlier worked in Krishna Vamsy team unit. The movie is titled as ‘Vu Kodataaraa ….Ulikki Padataaraa’ |