India's biggest 2D Animation film costing 5 million USD is here India's biggest and most ambitious 2 D Animation film titled 'Lava Kusa- The Warrier Twins' will hit the theatres this summer. Estimated to be made in a budget of nearly 5 million USD, the film is produced by Rayudu Vision Media Ltd, based in Hyderabad. The film will be released in Hindi, English, Tamil and Telugu. The film is based on the great Indian epic Ramayan. The film will dwell specifically on the hitherto ignored aspect, that of the lives of the twins of Shri Ram and Sita. The story revoleves around the birth of the twins, their life together and their adventures in and around Maharshi Valmiki's hermitage.The film is supported by 5 songs composed by Late L. Vaidyanathan, who'se previous works include Malgudi Days. The songs have been rendered by Shankar Mahadevan, Chitra, Sadhna Sargam, K. J. Yesuda and Vijay Yesudas. |