All eyes are on Anushka Shetty as she moves away from trendy roles and dons a new avatar as a zamindar girl of the1920s in her next Telugu film titled Arundathi. Anushka smoothly stepped into the sizzling role in Billa, a remake of the Tamil hit Billa 2, with hotshot Prabhas. Can she surpass Nayanathara's skin show in the original? "To be frank, I have done more glamorous roles in some of my earlier films. However, director Meher Ramesh has re-designed it to suit my build and it will rely more on style than oomph," says the svelte actress, who also mastered martial arts to fit the role.
She'll soon stage a comeback in Kollywood with a film opposite hotshot Vijay but can she take on Nayanthara on her home turf ? "I love competition but there is enough space for every actress," she clarifies. Anushka dislikes gossips about herself and also keeps away from gossip about her peers. "Except for my family and close friends, I don't want to know what's happening in other people's lives," quips the actress, who is happy being single.
She states that she banks on the support of her parents and two elder brothers. "My parents told me that I am grown up and that I should take care of myself," says the actress, who is also not a party animal.