It is without doubt that the hot Malayalam beauty Asin is currently the hottest cake in the town and she has created a rage in the entire nation with her latest blockbuster hit 'Ghajini'. While this stands, there is news that Asin has been creating an enormous base of male fans and folks are dying to catch a glimpse of her.
Meanwhile, the pretty starlet is said to be in love….well, this is not with a person but with a place. It is heard that after Switzerland, Paris and London if there is any place that Asin likes then it is the famous Kuttralam falls that is in God's own country Kerala and this state happens to be Asin's home ground.
Apparently, Asin was heard saying that she really loves the humid climate, the coconuts, the dark men and women etc. This does not come as a surprise since anyone would love their home no matter how it is. But the truth is Kuttralam is indeed a scenic place worth a visit. So Asin has a point here.